Monday, June 6, 2011


Origin - where does it all come from.  Where do we come from?  Where did the earth, the stars, the planets and everything come from?  These are some of the biggest questions people have been struggling with for centuries.  Many people today would gravitate towards some form of billion or trillions of years of evolution that started with an initial bang or reaction of some sort that got things started.  Others would gravitate toward theories of aliens or previous civilizations that "seeded" our galaxy so that over billions of years life would begin.  Still there are others that believe there is a God out there somewhere who started it all.

A lot of questions and a variety of answers.  I would suspect that many people have a lot of confusion and a lack of certainty on this issue of the origin.  So what is real?  What is the Truth?  Can anyone really know?  Some people seem to think they have it figured out, and well explained with science.  But most people believe something about this but not with complete certainty.  So lets take a bit and break it down and look at the Truth. We could spend a lot of time on thins but I will try to keep it short.

Question - Where did it all start, where did it all come from?
Possible answer #1 - The Big Bang started it all Trillions of years ago
Sources? - a lot of modern popular scientific theory
Problems - the problems with this theory stem firstly from a lack of logic and scientific principle.  To believe this is to believe that something came from nothing.  Scientific principle states that matter exists and though it changes the amount of matter stays the same.  Even if the big bang started with all of the matter in existence (which would be more than enormous) we have to ask the question of where did it all come from and what caused the "bang" to happen?  Scientific method says that everything has a cause and an effect.  So of this is the effect then what was the cause?  Also where did the matter come from?  Because of these and other weak points we must with a rational and logical mind dismiss the "big bang" as a theory and NOT Truth.

Possible answer #2 - There was a previously advanced civilization or aliens who "seeded" our galaxy, billions of years ago.
Sources?  -  Some less popular scientific theories, sci-fi, and Scientology.
Problems - similar to the above problems we must use proper process and logic to work at understanding things.  Even if this theory was correct, then where did these aliens come from? This theory only helps people try to fix the weaknesses in the "big bang" while trying to avoid the idea that God might actually exist.  So even though it sounds to some people like an answer, it fails to address the reality of the origin.

Possible answer #3 - There is a God who created or intelligently designed everything.  A being beyond our reality and comprehension that has supreme power and ability who is responsible for this galaxy and all that is in it.
Sources? - Christianity, Judaism, Islam, some other world religions and many scientific minds who are kept silent or they loose their jobs and funding. (See Ben Steins Expelled Movie)
Problems - Provides an answer to the question that fits the process and logic.  However it does take faith.  A belief that God exists is needed for you to believe this.  Why? Because even thought we can use process logic and solid questions to give us proof of God. We cannot quantify, or measure to prove God.

So each of us must choose.  You actually need faith for each one.  The First one would be faith that one day science will finally be able to provide enough answers to fulfill real logic and scientific process and not just theory and conjecture.  Or you need the faith to believe in aliens and previous civilizations that there is no proof for.  And the faith to believe that one day through those aliens we might gain further insight into the real "origin"? That is a lot of faith.  Or you need enough faith to believe that there is a God and that God created it all.

It seems to me that it takes agreeing with basic logical and scientific principles and a little faith to believe that God exists and started it all.

If you are not convinced then please continue your search.  I believe there are a good number of sources to help you on the journey.  You will find some of them to your right.  Please feel free to post your thoughts or questions here and I will do my best to help you with them.  Seek the Truth, you need to know it.

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